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From: Martin Kift <>
To: James Savage <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 09:17:47 GMT0BST
Subject: Re: DisplayLib Fades
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> I've just been messing with DisplayLib and I can set up a 320x256x8
> display, but I really want to fade a bitmap on and off it. FadeIn and
> FadeOut don't work, is there an alternative?
Use the RIBlitzLibs commands PalInfo and PalAdjust. HAng on, I'll try
and write some code now, although its bound not to work since I don't
have my manual in front of me. 8) SOrry for mistakes, but I'm sure
Steve will correct me if I get it wrong, he loves doing that 8)
; I always render to a separate pal, to maintain the original
; although you can do this in one pal if you want. If you render
; to a separate pal, make sure it has the same number of colours.
; the delay param should be a small number. You can also change the
; rate by altering the step number, I typically use 0.02 or 4 etc
; remember to have your bitmap set to black first. Looks nicer.